This is Irish slang for "delighted and excited." Cards on the table, this was not my attitude for the first few hours this morning. In fact, I was even feeling a bit down in the dumps. Weather app indicating no chance of a visit from the sun today, I bundled up for a quick walk after lunch just to get out. As I climbed one of the few cloud-covered hills nearby, I marveled at the joy that a different perspective brings; overlooking the fields with a view of a nearby town and the airport in the distance. Perhaps it was foreshadowing as I returned for the online meeting after lunch.
My boss and I "met" with our worker (withholding name) in Ireland. Every time I get to meet one of our people whether by phone, Skype, or especially in person, I light up inside. These are my heroes. This man has given up everything to plant a church and run the EE ministry in Ireland. He and his family are stepping out in faith to have their financial and all their needs met. They have met many challenges so far, but I really admire their courage and attitudes that this is part of the deal.
He was sharing how Northern Ireland has been called the "South Korea of Europe" with churches on every corner; though the Republic of Ireland is drastically different. While it may sound encouraging, at least for the North, the danger is the consumer mindset that can creep in with so many options to choose from. It takes me back to my Bible Study this morning on the importance of the purity of the Gospel.
Anyway, it was touching to hear my boss sharing with our Irish brother how he feels a responsibility, not only as the VP of Europe, but also because the Gospel came to Switzerland from Ireland. Not only is there a sense of gratitude and debt for this, but as Ireland is doing well, Switzerland is doing well in a sense.
As we ended the call, I was no longer down. It's like our conversation was the "walk up the hill" my soul needed to give me a broader perspective it was missing. Getting to listen to the progress and successes as well as the challenges and seeming setbacks. Hearing about the ministry and our colleague's family. Getting to brainstorm ways to help him and this growing ministry. Each lifted me back up. I think you could even say I'm delira and excira about it :). And would you believe that the sun even came out for the rest of the day?