I wish I'd had the time to write stories from every day, but I'll share a summary of the week's events.
In addition to three services (8, 10:30, and 6:00), I represented SAMS at the Ministry Fair at 9:15 and gave a MAP talk at 12:30. I was thankful for a small group of people who were able to hear more about SAMS and what I'm doing in particular.
Opening Day of GIC at the
10:30 joint service |
How grateful we all were for the ministry time that morning after the long Sunday. It was sweet and special to have a time of worship, liturgy, centering prayer, and praying for one another as well as sharing Communion together.
That afternoon, I loved visiting some of the older members of St. Michael's at the Canterbury House. I hated to leave the two ladies I joined on the couch. They were so sweet and interested in me as a person, and I felt their appreciation to be engaged in conversation.
Listening to a gentleman at the Canterbury House tell stories of his past service as a chaplain |
That evening, we were welcomed to the rector's home for a nice evening to meet others in the Vestry and ministries at St. Michael's.
I was thankful for a morning off where I had time to sit in the Lord's presence, which inspired my Thursday night's visit to a life group.
We were invited to a staff luncheon where we had the chance to meet the staff. Not only was it nice to have a meal provided, but meals are such a nice occasion to get to share with others to get to know them and just fellowship.
Or should I say Super Wednesday! I visited the children first. I decided to go all out and wear a Southeast Asian outfit a friend gave me a couple of weeks ago. I had a few pictures of Asian children, a map, and asked how many of them had Bibles and why Bibles are even important. Their answers were entertaining. ;). I finished by explaining that's why I'm going, to help the people in SE Asia who do not even have a Bible, which is like food to our spirits, to be able to share the Good News with them. After worship and a meal, I visited an Alpha group to share a bit about SAMS and myself.
The children liked the animated map of Asia that featured different animals. |
It worked out to not have anything scheduled Thursday morning so that I could attend my weekly Bible Study with my twin sister who was in town and have lunch with her and mom. That evening I joined a life group of young adults. It was a really encouraging time. I felt so well-received and comfortable to share what the Lord had put on my heart. It's always refreshing to be in the company of those who are walking the walk as this group sure seems to be!
I joined several other mission partners for a couple of local tours. We started with lunch at the Tri County Family Ministries who served us an impressive meal! It's wonderful the ways they are ministering to the needy in this area. Then we went to tour Water Mission which has grown over the years and continues to respond to disasters and countries in need of clean, safe water.
Water Mission Warehouse |
That evening was the international banquet where Keith Wheeler--a man who has carried a cross all around the world--spoke. I appreciated his childlike faith, humility, and courage to obey the Lord's call. He shared how a guy earlier that day had asked him why he carries the cross. When he asked him what he thought of, he said "Easy, Jesus." Keith used some analogies to challenge him that most people see a cross without seeing Jesus at all! After he spoke, the meal was so nice, and I was able to share what God is doing in my country of service in three minutes. :)
Saturday was the Women's Luncheon where I was one of two speakers. It was an honor to speak and share about God's calling on my life and the process of what that has looked like. In a nutshell, I shared that it actually hasn't always been clear, but out of my relationship with the Lord, trusting that I'm hearing His voice, and following how I believe He is leading me has gotten me to each step along the way.
Speaking at the Women's Luncheon |
Last day of 3 services, India report, chill lunch, and debrief.
The problem with a summary is that I'm not really conveying the surprise and joy of so many "God moments," the connections, the richness of the fellowship, the family feel. It was a long week, and I took a Sabbath Monday, but "how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!" as David said in Psalm 133. I'm incredibly grateful to St. Michael's for the love they poured on us as mission partners and the way that they respond to God's call to mission locally (in Jerusalem), along the east coast (Judea and Samaria), and globally (to the ends of the earth).