Wednesday, March 25, 2020

In Our Spare Time?

Two weeks ago, I started a very part-time temporary job.  It's a long story, but I was needing something more consistent than dog and house-sitting as a source of income during my time in Charleston.   The Lord directed me to an assistant position in a 3K class at a local Anglican Day School.  In fact, when I contacted the director, they had not posted the need, but in fact did need a new assistant.   Just three mornings a week and no prep or take-home work, which would leave me with plenty of time and energy to focus on ministry.

I wasn't sure how I would make it my first day (which was extended a week because of my brother's death).  That Monday and Tuesday were really hard, and I couldn't imagine starting a new job.  I woke up feeling ready, though, and what a blessing!  It's the perfect setting because my mind was focused on 8 little ones who are precious and brought me laughs and joy.  That lasted two days before school was officially closed because of COVID-19.

I started the first week off with a stomach bug, but isn't it just like the Lord to use that to reset my prayer life, which had gotten out of whack in the previous couple of weeks.  I felt zero condemnation and was still communing with the Lord, but staying in bed for a couple of days really got me to go deeper.  I've spent a lot of time in prayer both for my personal life as well as for our nation and the world.  I'm thankful to have leadership who has called for national days of prayer and have participated in that.  

That first day of prayer and fasting, March 15, I received a verse from Isaiah 26:20 which says "Come, my people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until the fury has passed by."  This helped me to go with what our leaders began recommending that very day (with school and other closures), and I've stayed put other than getting essentials when absolutely necessary and neighborhood walks.  

I'd like to share a link to an article I really liked this morning.  I think the article hi lights hidden sins (we probably wouldn't call them that unfortunately) that we need to repent of both individually, as families, and as a nation.  Let us use this unique time where we are forced to slow down and be still to draw near to the Lord and seek Him with all of our hearts.  Let us pray for those who are on the other end of the spectrum like medical workers, first responders, and food industry among others, who are working overtime.  

Back to my personal life: by the grace of God and I believe the prayers of so many, I am doing okay emotionally regarding the loss of my brother.  That said, I think it's been helpful to have a slower pace and also to be able to spend time with family whether in person or over the phone.  As always, thank you for your care and for your prayers.  The Lord be with you!