Thursday, February 14, 2019

Plan B

I love how the Lord invites us to be a part of what He is doing.  Several months ago, I had been asked to do a workshop for a local church's missions week.  Since it fell during the months that I'm stateside, I gladly accepted.  Knowing I'd have the intensive course the week before the workshop, I set aside a day to prepare the week before I left.  I had already been praying and was so pleased when ideas came about "sharing your story," and I was able to flesh out the skeleton draft that had already been forming in my mind.

Right before I left for the course, I read something that made me sensitive that some people in the local Anglican community have recently had training in this.  Mmm...  Then after my course, I started sensing that I needed to speak about the 5 points of the Gospel itself.   Monday's prayer request with my Bible Study group was for discernment to know if I should abandon my seemingly well-planned talk and shift the topic with only one day more before the workshop.  By the time I arrived back in Charleston that evening, I knew the answer: Plan B.

I admit, I was tempted to question why the Lord would lead me to prepare a talk I'd never give.  Or did I miss something?  As I contemplated this thought once I arrived at the church last night, I thought how it was a good lesson and even test in following the Lord.  I could've gotten tripped up in whether or not I'd misunderstood how I thought God had led me or frustrated that He would allow me to waste precious time especially when I had planned as to avoid the pressure and stress of last-minute prep.  But in His grace, it was okay; and I was thankful to have others whose prayers gave me confidence and peace rather than regret.

As I saw my Bible Study leader there, I was even more encouraged when she not only affirmed my decision, but shared that a prayer group had literally prayed that very morning for more opportunities for their church to be equipped with evangelism tools!  Wow!  What if I had been stubborn and not been willing to change the plan?

Right up until the talk began, encouraged though I was, I felt depleted and drained.  I had started the day with a 6 AM meeting, and I was feeling it.  Would I have what I needed to deliver the message I believed God had given?  My prayer request shared with friends earlier in the day for refreshment was answered as I left the meeting energized rather than empty.  

The evening was really encouraging as a room of young adults really engaged as we covered the 5 points of the Gospel (according to EE) and then went through some the Great Thanksgiving (from the Book of Common Prayer) they hear recited every single week, identifying which part of the Gospel each line of the liturgy corresponded with.  The insights that each person brought were deep and meaningful.  I felt like the evening passed quickly and would've liked more time together.  

How encouraging it is to glimpse the multitude of ways that God is at Charleston, in Europe, in MENA, all around the world...and to get to embrace the opportunities He's given us to do our part within the framework of what He is already doing.  It's a privilege.  I can't say it enough: thank You, Lord!