We had a full table at the 8:15 prayer meeting this morning. There are normally 5 of us, but this morning there were 12! This is a blessing in itself because the additional people are volunteers, which is a huge answer to prayer. (Thank you for praying and please keep them coming!)
It was on my heart to pray for the couple I've mentioned in previous blogs who run the ministry called Espoir et Vie in Alsace, so I prayed for them by name. It was my only prayer this morning. One of the visiting men sitting all the way across the table asked the name of the young woman in the red coat (me). He asked about the couple I had prayed for and told me he is Jérémie's father! We were all silent with surprise.
"How do you know them?" I explained how I'd met them in November the week after I'd left here. He was visibly touched and encouraged to hear us praying for them, and I was full of thanks to the Holy Spirit for having prompted me to the same morning that his father was present without me even knowing it. We all agreed what a small world it is!