Wednesday, March 13, 2019

My God is a Rock

Yesterday as I was cleaning my studio apartment, I decided to place my scarf--the warm, cozy one I've worn every day since my arrival--out on the window sill to air out.  I placed a rock on top of it to weight it down and closed the window.  Alas, as I returned minutes later, I was chagrined that it had made its way to the ground along with its not-so-supportive rock.  To make matters worse, there was a cat prowling nearby with its eyes on my winter essential!  Shoes and coat on, down I went to retrieve my item which was now presumably dirtier than my intended airing out. 

The wind, which gets incredibly strong here, had picked up.  Last week I asked if it's the Mistral, and they assured me that's only in the south, that these are just (wind) storms.  To give you an idea of how intense they are, like our hurricanes, they get names!  As I headed back to my room, I spotted some much bigger rocks which were heavier and can presumably withstand the gusty gales of Burgundy!  I didn't actually bring one up, but I think they would do the trick!

The whole experience has me thinking about rocks.  Moses and David both called God their Rock.  Where I'm from, we don't have tons of rock.  Cobblestones, yes.  Rocks in the dirt, lots.  But no caves or mountains.  My mind needs some education as I consider what this means.  Our God is no pebble or lightweight, but He is strong and can resist and endure the pressures that come against us.  No news or horrible circumstance can shake Him.  He has power to save and deliver even in the fiercest of storms, meteorological or circumstantial.   Sadly I'm sometimes guilty of reducing my God to a dinky rock that I can hold in my hand.  It sounds ridiculous, but when life's problems and difficulties slam us full force, what does our response reveal?   May we have fresh vision to see and comprehend how great and mighty our God, our Rock, really is!

The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18:2 ESV
For it's God's Name I'm preaching--respond to the greatness of our God!  The Rock: His works are perfect, and the way He works is fair and just; A God you can depend upon, no exceptions, a straight-arrow God.  Deut 32: 3-4 Message