This week has been one of my busiest with lots of meetings--online, over the phone, and in person. There’s one in particular I want to share with you as it is a huge answer to the prayers of many over the past few months! Tuesday I asked a simple question which led to a discussion about possible people who could help revise the Canadian materials into French. Sara who works as the communications director at the P.O. thought of someone from our church. How convenient, but more importantly, she’s qualified. And just like that after weeks of knocking on some different doors.
After a simple text, we had scheduled a meeting before Wednesday night’s church service. As I explained more about what I do and what I am looking for, she scanned the material and noticed a word or phrase here and there that sound strange or not very French (at least to the French). She agreed to meet with me when I return after Easter! (I’m on a train now en route to Alsace before I attend a couple of conferences over the next couple of weeks.).
In the meantime, as I reached out to my Canadian colleague, I was incredibly thankful to discover that we have another material already translated into French: the dvd script. Wow! I still have a lot of digging to do, but I’m so thankful for the Lord’s goodness to provide this lady as well as the additional helpful conversations that have given direction this week. A huge thank you to all who have been praying for this! I greatly value your prayers as we move forward, especially the communication with others, for wisdom, efficiency, and accuracy in the entire revision process. Merci!