Tuesday, October 11, 2016

All for One and One for all

This week our focus is spiritual growth,  goal-setting, and communication.  In the book we're going through for spiritual growth, Green, Archbishop Harry Goodhew speaks of the past, present, and future blessings we have in Christ: we're already chosen, in His family, and will be unified along with other believers with the Lord.  I could spend hours contemplating all this!

But just to consider our future promise, it also creates an amazing effect on earth: unity.  This is what I want to focus on in this post.  This group here with me is a living example of that as we are from 13 countries, many languages, and a variety of denominations.  We are quite different from each other! And yet we are all in God's family with one goal and able to live and learn together despite the real differences!

Each night, like a camp would, we have kitchen duty.  Sunday night is a volunteer night.  Instead of having to search for helpers, here is what happened: a kitchen packed with smiling, laughing bodies ready to go! Now that's unity!

Kitchen Duty

"How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity!" Psalm 133:1

Then yesterday after dinner, everyone gathered together to celebrate Fiji's Independence Day.  The Fijians shared the national anthem, its history, and a couple of songs. We had so much fun laughing and dancing together!!  It was a great way to end a long day, and it was a another beautiful picture of the unity that we have in Christ.  

"All the nations You have made will come and worship before You, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name." Psalm 86:9